Track descriptions

1. Conference Theme:
That’s Interesting! Rethinking IB Research for the Next 50 Years

Rebecca Piekkari, Aalto University
Tiina Ritvala, Aalto University

Track Chairs

Rebecca Piekkari

Rebecca Piekkari
Aalto University

Tiina Ritvala

Tiina Ritvala
Aalto University

Conference Theme: That’s Interesting! Rethinking IB Research for the Next 50 Years

This track is dedicated to the conference theme of rethinking IB research for the coming decades. In the spirit of Davis’ (1971) seminal article, we are looking for thought-provoking submissions that cross disciplinary boundaries, deny old “truths” and challenge taken-for-granted assumptions in our field.

Potential themes may include new forms of international cross-sector partnerships (e.g., industry transformations requiring massive investments by the public and private sectors such as the hydrogen economy); disruptive technologies (e.g., AI & big data); creativity in IB (e.g., aesthetics, imagination and innovative research methods); city-level research in IB (e.g., sustainable cities, creative cities); atypical research contexts in IB (art, museums & digital creative industries, space industry, social enterprises) as well as societal impact of IB research. We welcome provocative essays as well as more traditional papers that fall under the categories of conceptual, empirical or review papers.

We invite papers that push the boundaries of current thinking whether on traditional or more emerging topics in IB. We believe that rethinking IB research for the next 50 years has important implications not only for the kind of phenomena that we study but also for the multiple ways in which we go about studying these phenomena (e.g., research questions posed, theoretical approaches applied, inter-disciplinary and transdisciplinary research collaboration, paradigms, and methodologies in-use). Please, surprise us with your paper! If there is overlap with another track, we will coordinate with the other track chairs.


cross-sector partnerships
grand challenges
societal impact
trans(multi/cross-) disciplinary

2. International Entrepreneurship and
Internationalization Processes

Eriikka Paavilainen-Mäntymäki, University of Turku
Antonella Zucchella, University of Pavia